PWORD is a fast and efficient password generation utility that runs over the command line to generate your passwords.
How to download:
Step 1: Download PWORD by pressing the download button above.
Step 2: Extract "" into a folder of your choice.
Step 3: Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the folder where you extracted "".
Step 4: Use the guide below to start generating passwords with PWORD.
How to use:
Command line: pword [length] {/N:number} [{/D} {/U} {/L} {/N} {/P} {/S}]
[] - Denotes a section
{} Denotes a optional argument
- length : Length of the password to generate.
- /N:number : Number of passwords to generate.
- /D : Use default settings (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers).
- /U : Include uppercase letters.
- /L : Include lowercase letters.
- /I : Include numbers.
- /S : Include symbols (:;<=>?@!"#$&'()*+,-./).
Example: 'pword 12 /N:2 /U /L /I' : Generates two 12 character passwords that may include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, but not symbols.